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"उन्नती र आत्मसम्मान"

"उन्नती र आत्मसम्मान" (एक झलक) भनिन्छ उन्नती र आत्मसम्मान एकअर्का सँग जोडीएअको हुन्छ। उन्नती तेती बेला हुन्छ जब देशमा बिकासले गती लिन्छ। उन्नती सँग हाम्रो देशको सम्मान गासिअेको छ। जब हामी प्रगतिशिल वएर अघी बद्छौ तब मात्र हामी सबैको उन्नती हुन्छ र हामी स्थाईत्व रुप्ले देश्लाई शाही दिशा तिर लैजान सक्छौ र हामी आत्मानिर्वर हुन्छउ। एक अर्काको खुट्टा तानेर, एक अर्कालाई गालीगरोज गरेर देश बिकास हुँदैन। देश्लाई बिकास गर्नु छ भने देशको शासन प्रनाली लाई आत्मसाथ गर्नु पर्छ। देश्लाई कसरी थग्ने, कसरी देशको राजास्व सन्कलन हुन नदिने भन्दा पनि देशको मात्थिलो दर्जा, ओहोदामा बस्ने सबै कर्मचारी, स्थानइय कर्मचारी, देशमा रहेको कलकार्खाना, ब्यापार, उर्जा, आयोजना, र देशमा रहेको जती पनि देशको उन्नती को लागि बनेको आर्थिक धरोहर हरु, शिक्षा, श्वासथ, रोज्गार, कला-सन्स्क्रिती, सम्रक्षित क्षेत्रहरु, र देशको आय-आर्जन मा मद्धत पुग्ने परतकिय दृष्‍टिकोन् ले सुसम्पन्न क्षेत्र हरु लाई अझ कसरी बलियो बनाएर देशमा धेरै भन्दा धेरै राज्वस्व सन्कलन गरी हाम्रो ऐतिहासिक सम्पदाको सुरक्षा, सम्रक्ष्य्यन, ऐतिहासिक क्ष

Agenda 21

The 1992 United Nations conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Municipality in Brazil- the “Earth Summit” was like the Brundtland Commission a watershed event that helped alert the global communication and the populous to the need of sustainable development. This conference was attended by leaders of 178 nations, produced a lengthy declaration know as Agenda 21 that laid out sustainable development principles in many different possible areas. Broader view is that the conference on Environment and Development, having met at Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992, reaffirming the Declaration of the United Nations conference on the Human Environment, adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972, seeking to build upon it with the goal of establishing a new and equitable global partnership through the creation of new levels of cooperation among States, key sectors and stakeholders working towards international agreements which respect the interests of all and protect

Consulting work as a Individual Infrastructure Development Consultant

Consulting work as a Individual Infrastructure Development Consultant  Professional qualifications and continuous training are an integral part of career development, and there may be opportunities to move into other areas of the construction and engineering industry to gain new skills and experience. Consultants are paid to share their expertise and knowledge to help organization attain goals and solve problems. Organizations  often hire consultants to supplement their staff and save the costs of hiring a full-time employee. As a person new to the organization, consultants view the situation from a fresh perspective.  Because a consultant isn't beholden to any particular corporate culture, co-worker scrutiny or morale, consultants can act as the catalyst for change.  While there are degree requirements for a "Engineering & Infrastructure Development Consultant", they do need to have vast knowledge and experience in a particular field. In addition to exp
My Career Achievement A. Education Background (Academic + Institution) 1. M.Sc. Urban Design and Conservation 2. Bachelor in Civil Engineering 3. Diploma in Computer Application 4. International Professional development training from world class reputed learning from:     World Bank Group, Open University Australia, ALISON, and from Nepal as well. 5. Electric and Electronics Training 6. E-learning Courses B. Working Experience 1. 5+ years in Infrastructure Development Sector: Road, Contract Management, Melamchi Diversion Tunnel Project, Design Engineer, and now working as a Consultant. 2. Teaching Experience 3. Volunteer Different Responsibilities Professional proficiency: English A motivated and capable individual who has a clear understanding of the role and responsibilities associated with Civil engineer & urban practitioner. Having the ability to provide support for multiple concurrent priorities, am able to establish, maintain and develop effective w
Exposure of Public Profile                                                                                                   Public Profile Er. Amit Pokhrel Roster Community Infrastructure Consultant at Poverty Alleviation Fund Nepal Civil Engineering Current Amit Pokhrel Engineering Service ,  Poverty Alleviation Fund Previous Design Consultant ,  CMC Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti di Ravenna – Nepal Branch,  Khwopa Engineering College, Bhaktapur, Nepal Education Khwopa Engineering College Recommendations 1  person has recommended  Er. Amit 500+ connections Published by Er. Amit See more "Development of Attractive Places" November 2, 2016 The aim of this study is to identify the influence of pedestrian street design on pedestrian behavior October 30, 2016 Growth management strategies by which you can prevent decline in Traditional Core September 23, 2016 Summary